
Recent Readings for Adaptation of Foundation Models (since 2022) (Index of Posts):

No. Read Date Title and Information We Read @
1 2024, Apr, 23 LLM fine tuning 2024-S25
2 2024, Apr, 16 MultiAgent LLMs 2024-S23
3 2024, Apr, 11 LLM Agents 2024-S22
4 2024, Apr, 9 Self-exam LLM and reasoning 2024-S21
5 2024, Apr, 4 Prompt Engineering 2024-S20
6 2024, Mar, 26 Model editing and Disgorgement 2024-S17
7 2024, Mar, 21 Domain Centered FMs 2024-S16
8 2024, Mar, 14 Knowledge Augmented FMs 2024-S14

Here is a detailed list of posts!

[1]: LLM fine tuning


In this session, our readings cover:

Required Readings:

Recent Large Language Models Reshaping the Open-Source Arena

  • The release of Meta’s Llama model and the subsequent release of Llama 2 in 2023 kickstarted an explosion of open-source language models, with better and more innovative models being released on what seems like a daily basis. With new open-source models being released on a daily basis, here we dove into the ocean of open-source possibilities to curate a select list of the most intriguing and influential models making waves in recent months, inlcuding Qwen1.5/ Yi/ Smaug/ Mixtral-8x7B-v0.1/ DBRX/ SOLAR-10.7B-v1.0 / Tulu 2 / WizardLM/ Starling 7B/ OLMo-7B/ Gemma and DeciLM-7B.
  • Plus the newly avaiable DBRX model

Instruction Tuning for Large Language Models: A Survey

  • Shengyu Zhang, Linfeng Dong, Xiaoya Li, Sen Zhang, Xiaofei Sun, Shuhe Wang, Jiwei Li, Runyi Hu, Tianwei Zhang, Fei Wu, Guoyin Wang
  • This paper surveys research works in the quickly advancing field of instruction tuning (IT), a crucial technique to enhance the capabilities and controllability of large language models (LLMs). Instruction tuning refers to the process of further training LLMs on a dataset consisting of \textsc{(instruction, output)} pairs in a supervised fashion, which bridges the gap between the next-word prediction objective of LLMs and the users’ objective of having LLMs adhere to human instructions. In this work, we make a systematic review of the literature, including the general methodology of IT, the construction of IT datasets, the training of IT models, and applications to different modalities, domains and applications, along with an analysis on aspects that influence the outcome of IT (e.g., generation of instruction outputs, size of the instruction dataset, etc). We also review the potential pitfalls of IT along with criticism against it, along with efforts pointing out current deficiencies of existing strategies and suggest some avenues for fruitful research. Project page: this http URL

Delta tuning: A comprehensive study of parameter efficient methods for pre-trained language models

  • Despite the success, the process of fine-tuning large-scale PLMs brings prohibitive adaptation costs. In fact, fine-tuning all the parameters of a colossal model and retaining separate instances for different tasks are practically infeasible. This necessitates a new branch of research focusing on the parameter-efficient adaptation of PLMs, dubbed as delta tuning in this paper. In contrast with the standard fine-tuning, delta tuning only fine-tunes a small portion of the model parameters while keeping the rest untouched, largely reducing both the computation and storage costs. Recent studies have demonstrated that a series of delta tuning methods with distinct tuned parameter selection could achieve performance on a par with full-parameter fine-tuning, suggesting a new promising way of stimulating large-scale PLMs. In this paper, we first formally describe the problem of delta tuning and then comprehensively review recent delta tuning approaches. We also propose a unified categorization criterion that divide existing delta tuning methods into three groups: addition-based, specification-based, and reparameterization-based methods. Though initially proposed as an efficient method to steer large models, we believe that some of the fascinating evidence discovered along with delta tuning could help further reveal the mechanisms of PLMs and even deep neural networks. To this end, we discuss the theoretical principles underlying the effectiveness of delta tuning and propose frameworks to interpret delta tuning from the perspective of optimization and optimal control, respectively. Furthermore, we provide a holistic empirical study of representative methods, where results on over 100 NLP tasks demonstrate a comprehensive performance comparison of different approaches. The experimental results also cover the analysis of combinatorial, scaling and transferable properties of delta tuning.

More readings

Gemini: A Family of Highly Capable Multimodal Models

  • This report introduces a new family of multimodal models, Gemini, that exhibit remarkable capabilities across image, audio, video, and text understanding. The Gemini family consists of Ultra, Pro, and Nano sizes, suitable for applications ranging from complex reasoning tasks to on-device memory-constrained use-cases. Evaluation on a broad range of benchmarks shows that our most-capable Gemini Ultra model advances the state of the art in 30 of 32 of these benchmarks - notably being the first model to achieve human-expert performance on the well-studied exam benchmark MMLU, and improving the state of the art in every one of the 20 multimodal benchmarks we examined. We believe that the new capabilities of Gemini models in cross-modal reasoning and language understanding will enable a wide variety of use cases and we discuss our approach toward deploying them responsibly to users.

QLoRA: Efficient Finetuning of Quantized LLMs

  • Tim Dettmers, Artidoro Pagnoni, Ari Holtzman, Luke Zettlemoyer We present QLoRA, an efficient finetuning approach that reduces memory usage enough to finetune a 65B parameter model on a single 48GB GPU while preserving full 16-bit finetuning task performance. QLoRA backpropagates gradients through a frozen, 4-bit quantized pretrained language model into Low Rank Adapters~(LoRA). Our best model family, which we name Guanaco, outperforms all previous openly released models on the Vicuna benchmark, reaching 99.3% of the performance level of ChatGPT while only requiring 24 hours of finetuning on a single GPU. QLoRA introduces a number of innovations to save memory without sacrificing performance: (a) 4-bit NormalFloat (NF4), a new data type that is information theoretically optimal for normally distributed weights (b) double quantization to reduce the average memory footprint by quantizing the quantization constants, and (c) paged optimziers to manage memory spikes. We use QLoRA to finetune more than 1,000 models, providing a detailed analysis of instruction following and chatbot performance across 8 instruction datasets, multiple model types (LLaMA, T5), and model scales that would be infeasible to run with regular finetuning (e.g. 33B and 65B parameter models). Our results show that QLoRA finetuning on a small high-quality dataset leads to state-of-the-art results, even when using smaller models than the previous SoTA. We provide a detailed analysis of chatbot performance based on both human and GPT-4 evaluations showing that GPT-4 evaluations are a cheap and reasonable alternative to human evaluation. Furthermore, we find that current chatbot benchmarks are not trustworthy to accurately evaluate the performance levels of chatbots. A lemon-picked analysis demonstrates where Guanaco fails compared to ChatGPT. We release all of our models and code, including CUDA kernels for 4-bit training.
  • An important paradigm of natural language processing consists of large-scale pre-training on general domain data and adaptation to particular tasks or domains. As we pre-train larger models, full fine-tuning, which retrains all model parameters, becomes less feasible. Using GPT-3 175B as an example – deploying independent instances of fine-tuned models, each with 175B parameters, is prohibitively expensive. We propose Low-Rank Adaptation, or LoRA, which freezes the pre-trained model weights and injects trainable rank decomposition matrices into each layer of the Transformer architecture, greatly reducing the number of trainable parameters for downstream tasks. Compared to GPT-3 175B fine-tuned with Adam, LoRA can reduce the number of trainable parameters by 10,000 times and the GPU memory requirement by 3 times. LoRA performs on-par or better than fine-tuning in model quality on RoBERTa, DeBERTa, GPT-2, and GPT-3, despite having fewer trainable parameters, a higher training throughput, and, unlike adapters, no additional inference latency. We also provide an empirical investigation into rank-deficiency in language model adaptation, which sheds light on the efficacy of LoRA. We release a package that facilitates the integration of LoRA with PyTorch models and provide our implementations and model checkpoints for RoBERTa, DeBERTa, and GPT-2 at this https URL.

Astraios: Parameter-Efficient Instruction Tuning Code Large Language Models

  • Terry Yue Zhuo, Armel Zebaze, Nitchakarn Suppattarachai, Leandro von Werra, Harm de Vries, Qian Liu, Niklas Muennighoff
  • The high cost of full-parameter fine-tuning (FFT) of Large Language Models (LLMs) has led to a series of parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) methods. However, it remains unclear which methods provide the best cost-performance trade-off at different model scales. We introduce Astraios, a suite of 28 instruction-tuned OctoCoder models using 7 tuning methods and 4 model sizes up to 16 billion parameters. Through investigations across 5 tasks and 8 different datasets encompassing both code comprehension and code generation tasks, we find that FFT generally leads to the best downstream performance across all scales, and PEFT methods differ significantly in their efficacy based on the model scale. LoRA usually offers the most favorable trade-off between cost and performance. Further investigation into the effects of these methods on both model robustness and code security reveals that larger models tend to demonstrate reduced robustness and less security. At last, we explore the relationships among updated parameters, cross-entropy loss, and task performance. We find that the tuning effectiveness observed in small models generalizes well to larger models, and the validation loss in instruction tuning can be a reliable indicator of overall downstream performance.

This site was built using GitHub Pages.

[2]: MultiAgent LLMs


In this session, our readings cover:

Required Readings:

Large Language Model based Multi-Agents: A Survey of Progress and Challenges

  • Taicheng Guo, Xiuying Chen, Yaqi Wang, Ruidi Chang, Shichao Pei, Nitesh V. Chawla, Olaf Wiest, Xiangliang Zhang
  • Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable success across a wide array of tasks. Due to the impressive planning and reasoning abilities of LLMs, they have been used as autonomous agents to do many tasks automatically. Recently, based on the development of using one LLM as a single planning or decision-making agent, LLM-based multi-agent systems have achieved considerable progress in complex problem-solving and world simulation. To provide the community with an overview of this dynamic field, we present this survey to offer an in-depth discussion on the essential aspects of multi-agent systems based on LLMs, as well as the challenges. Our goal is for readers to gain substantial insights on the following questions: What domains and environments do LLM-based multi-agents simulate? How are these agents profiled and how do they communicate? What mechanisms contribute to the growth of agents’ capacities? For those interested in delving into this field of study, we also summarize the commonly used datasets or benchmarks for them to have convenient access. To keep researchers updated on the latest studies, we maintain an open-source GitHub repository, dedicated to outlining the research on LLM-based multi-agent systems.

More Readings:

Understanding the planning of LLM agents: A survey

  • As Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown significant intelligence, the progress to leverage LLMs as planning modules of autonomous agents has attracted more attention. This survey provides the first systematic view of LLM-based agents planning, covering recent works aiming to improve planning ability. We provide a taxonomy of existing works on LLM-Agent planning, which can be categorized into Task Decomposition, Plan Selection, External Module, Reflection and Memory. Comprehensive analyses are conducted for each direction, and further challenges for the field of research are discussed.

LLM Agents can Autonomously Hack Websites

  • Richard Fang, Rohan Bindu, Akul Gupta, Qiusi Zhan, Daniel Kang
  • In recent years, large language models (LLMs) have become increasingly capable and can now interact with tools (i.e., call functions), read documents, and recursively call themselves. As a result, these LLMs can now function autonomously as agents. With the rise in capabilities of these agents, recent work has speculated on how LLM agents would affect cybersecurity. However, not much is known about the offensive capabilities of LLM agents. In this work, we show that LLM agents can autonomously hack websites, performing tasks as complex as blind database schema extraction and SQL injections without human feedback. Importantly, the agent does not need to know the vulnerability beforehand. This capability is uniquely enabled by frontier models that are highly capable of tool use and leveraging extended context. Namely, we show that GPT-4 is capable of such hacks, but existing open-source models are not. Finally, we show that GPT-4 is capable of autonomously finding vulnerabilities in websites in the wild. Our findings raise questions about the widespread deployment of LLMs.

Agent-FLAN: Designing Data and Methods of Effective Agent Tuning for Large Language Models

  • Zehui Chen, Kuikun Liu, Qiuchen Wang, Wenwei Zhang, Jiangning Liu, Dahua Lin, Kai Chen, Feng Zhao
  • Open-sourced Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved great success in various NLP tasks, however, they are still far inferior to API-based models when acting as agents. How to integrate agent ability into general LLMs becomes a crucial and urgent problem. This paper first delivers three key observations: (1) the current agent training corpus is entangled with both formats following and agent reasoning, which significantly shifts from the distribution of its pre-training data; (2) LLMs exhibit different learning speeds on the capabilities required by agent tasks; and (3) current approaches have side-effects when improving agent abilities by introducing hallucinations. Based on the above findings, we propose Agent-FLAN to effectively Fine-tune LANguage models for Agents. Through careful decomposition and redesign of the training corpus, Agent-FLAN enables Llama2-7B to outperform prior best works by 3.5\% across various agent evaluation datasets. With comprehensively constructed negative samples, Agent-FLAN greatly alleviates the hallucination issues based on our established evaluation benchmark. Besides, it consistently improves the agent capability of LLMs when scaling model sizes while slightly enhancing the general capability of LLMs. The code will be available at this https URL.

Humanoid Locomotion as Next Token Prediction

  • Ilija Radosavovic, Bike Zhang, Baifeng Shi, Jathushan Rajasegaran, Sarthak Kamat, Trevor Darrell, Koushil Sreenath, Jitendra Malik
  • We cast real-world humanoid control as a next token prediction problem, akin to predicting the next word in language. Our model is a causal transformer trained via autoregressive prediction of sensorimotor trajectories. To account for the multi-modal nature of the data, we perform prediction in a modality-aligned way, and for each input token predict the next token from the same modality. This general formulation enables us to leverage data with missing modalities, like video trajectories without actions. We train our model on a collection of simulated trajectories coming from prior neural network policies, model-based controllers, motion capture data, and YouTube videos of humans. We show that our model enables a full-sized humanoid to walk in San Francisco zero-shot. Our model can transfer to the real world even when trained on only 27 hours of walking data, and can generalize to commands not seen during training like walking backward. These findings suggest a promising path toward learning challenging real-world control tasks by generative modeling of sensorimotor trajectories.

[3]: LLM Agents


Required Readings:

A Survey on Large Language Model based Autonomous Agents

  • Autonomous agents have long been a prominent research focus in both academic and industry communities. Previous research in this field often focuses on training agents with limited knowledge within isolated environments, which diverges significantly from human learning processes, and thus makes the agents hard to achieve human-like decisions. Recently, through the acquisition of vast amounts of web knowledge, large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable potential in achieving human-level intelligence. This has sparked an upsurge in studies investigating LLM-based autonomous agents. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of these studies, delivering a systematic review of the field of LLM-based autonomous agents from a holistic perspective. More specifically, we first discuss the construction of LLM-based autonomous agents, for which we propose a unified framework that encompasses a majority of the previous work. Then, we present a comprehensive overview of the diverse applications of LLM-based autonomous agents in the fields of social science, natural science, and engineering. Finally, we delve into the evaluation strategies commonly used for LLM-based autonomous agents. Based on the previous studies, we also present several challenges and future directions in this field. To keep track of this field and continuously update our survey, we maintain a repository of relevant references at this https URL.

More Readings:

Position Paper: Agent AI Towards a Holistic Intelligence

  • Qiuyuan Huang, Naoki Wake, Bidipta Sarkar, Zane Durante, Ran Gong, Rohan Taori, Yusuke Noda, Demetri Terzopoulos, Noboru Kuno, Ade Famoti, Ashley Llorens, John Langford, Hoi Vo, Li Fei-Fei, Katsu Ikeuchi, Jianfeng Gao
  • Recent advancements in large foundation models have remarkably enhanced our understanding of sensory information in open-world environments. In leveraging the power of foundation models, it is crucial for AI research to pivot away from excessive reductionism and toward an emphasis on systems that function as cohesive wholes. Specifically, we emphasize developing Agent AI – an embodied system that integrates large foundation models into agent actions. The emerging field of Agent AI spans a wide range of existing embodied and agent-based multimodal interactions, including robotics, gaming, and healthcare systems, etc. In this paper, we propose a novel large action model to achieve embodied intelligent behavior, the Agent Foundation Model. On top of this idea, we discuss how agent AI exhibits remarkable capabilities across a variety of domains and tasks, challenging our understanding of learning and cognition. Furthermore, we discuss the potential of Agent AI from an interdisciplinary perspective, underscoring AI cognition and consciousness within scientific discourse. We believe that those discussions serve as a basis for future research directions and encourage broader societal engagement.

Tool Use in LLMs

  • an overview of tool use in LLMs, including a formal definition of the tool-use paradigm, scenarios where LLMs leverage tool usage, and for which tasks this approach works well; it also provides an analysis of complex tool usage and summarize testbeds and evaluation metrics across LM tooling works

Practices for Governing Agentic AI Systems

  • Agentic AI systems—AI systems that can pursue complex goals with limited direct supervision— are likely to be broadly useful if we can integrate them responsibly into our society. While such systems have substantial potential to help people more efficiently and effectively achieve their own goals, they also create risks of harm. In this white paper, we suggest a definition of agentic AI systems and the parties in the agentic AI system life-cycle, and highlight the importance of agreeing on a set of baseline responsibilities and safety best practices for each of these parties. As our primary contribution, we offer an initial set of practices for keeping agents’ operations safe and accountable, which we hope can serve as building blocks in the development of agreed baseline best practices. We enumerate the questions and uncertainties around operationalizing each of these practices that must be addressed before such practices can be codified. We then highlight categories of indirect impacts from the wide-scale adoption of agentic AI systems, which are likely to necessitate additional governance frameworks.

Emergent autonomous scientific research capabilities of large language models

  • Transformer-based large language models are rapidly advancing in the field of machine learning research, with applications spanning natural language, biology, chemistry, and computer programming. Extreme scaling and reinforcement learning from human feedback have significantly improved the quality of generated text, enabling these models to perform various tasks and reason about their choices. In this paper, we present an Intelligent Agent system that combines multiple large language models for autonomous design, planning, and execution of scientific experiments. We showcase the Agent’s scientific research capabilities with three distinct examples, with the most complex being the successful performance of catalyzed cross-coupling reactions. Finally, we discuss the safety implications of such systems and propose measures to prevent their misuse.

What Makes a Dialog Agent Useful?


[4]: Self-exam LLM and reasoning


In this session, our readings cover:

Required Readings:

Augmented Language Models: a Survey

  • Grégoire Mialon, Roberto Dessì, Maria Lomeli, Christoforos Nalmpantis, Ram Pasunuru, Roberta Raileanu, Baptiste Rozière, Timo Schick, Jane Dwivedi-Yu, Asli Celikyilmaz, Edouard Grave, Yann LeCun, Thomas Scialom
  • This survey reviews works in which language models (LMs) are augmented with reasoning skills and the ability to use tools. The former is defined as decomposing a potentially complex task into simpler subtasks while the latter consists in calling external modules such as a code interpreter. LMs can leverage these augmentations separately or in combination via heuristics, or learn to do so from demonstrations. While adhering to a standard missing tokens prediction objective, such augmented LMs can use various, possibly non-parametric external modules to expand their context processing ability, thus departing from the pure language modeling paradigm. We therefore refer to them as Augmented Language Models (ALMs). The missing token objective allows ALMs to learn to reason, use tools, and even act, while still performing standard natural language tasks and even outperforming most regular LMs on several benchmarks. In this work, after reviewing current advance in ALMs, we conclude that this new research direction has the potential to address common limitations of traditional LMs such as interpretability,

Self-Consistency Improves Chain of Thought Reasoning in Language Models

  • Chain-of-thought prompting combined with pre-trained large language models has achieved encouraging results on complex reasoning tasks. In this paper, we propose a new decoding strategy, self-consistency, to replace the naive greedy decoding used in chain-of-thought prompting. It first samples a diverse set of reasoning paths instead of only taking the greedy one, and then selects the most consistent answer by marginalizing out the sampled reasoning paths. Self-consistency leverages the intuition that a complex reasoning problem typically admits multiple different ways of thinking leading to its unique correct answer. Our extensive empirical evaluation shows that self-consistency boosts the performance of chain-of-thought prompting with a striking margin on a range of popular arithmetic and commonsense reasoning benchmarks, including GSM8K (+17.9%), SVAMP (+11.0%), AQuA (+12.2%), StrategyQA (+6.4%) and ARC-challenge (+3.9%).

If LLM Is the Wizard, Then Code Is the Wand: A Survey on How Code Empowers Large Language Models to Serve as Intelligent Agents

  • Ke Yang, Jiateng Liu, John Wu, Chaoqi Yang, Yi R. Fung, Sha Li, Zixuan Huang, Xu Cao, Xingyao Wang, Yiquan Wang, Heng Ji, Chengxiang Zhai
  • The prominent large language models (LLMs) of today differ from past language models not only in size, but also in the fact that they are trained on a combination of natural language and formal language (code). As a medium between humans and computers, code translates high-level goals into executable steps, featuring standard syntax, logical consistency, abstraction, and modularity. In this survey, we present an overview of the various benefits of integrating code into LLMs’ training data. Specifically, beyond enhancing LLMs in code generation, we observe that these unique properties of code help (i) unlock the reasoning ability of LLMs, enabling their applications to a range of more complex natural language tasks; (ii) steer LLMs to produce structured and precise intermediate steps, which can then be connected to external execution ends through function calls; and (iii) take advantage of code compilation and execution environment, which also provides diverse feedback for model improvement. In addition, we trace how these profound capabilities of LLMs, brought by code, have led to their emergence as intelligent agents (IAs) in situations where the ability to understand instructions, decompose goals, plan and execute actions, and refine from feedback are crucial to their success on downstream tasks. Finally, we present several key challenges and future directions of empowering LLMs with code.

More Readings:

ReAct: Synergizing Reasoning and Acting in Language Models

  • Shunyu Yao, Jeffrey Zhao, Dian Yu, Nan Du, Izhak Shafran, Karthik Narasimhan, Yuan Cao
  • While large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive capabilities across tasks in language understanding and interactive decision making, their abilities for reasoning (e.g. chain-of-thought prompting) and acting (e.g. action plan generation) have primarily been studied as separate topics. In this paper, we explore the use of LLMs to generate both reasoning traces and task-specific actions in an interleaved manner, allowing for greater synergy between the two: reasoning traces help the model induce, track, and update action plans as well as handle exceptions, while actions allow it to interface with external sources, such as knowledge bases or environments, to gather additional information. We apply our approach, named ReAct, to a diverse set of language and decision making tasks and demonstrate its effectiveness over state-of-the-art baselines, as well as improved human interpretability and trustworthiness over methods without reasoning or acting components. Concretely, on question answering (HotpotQA) and fact verification (Fever), ReAct overcomes issues of hallucination and error propagation prevalent in chain-of-thought reasoning by interacting with a simple Wikipedia API, and generates human-like task-solving trajectories that are more interpretable than baselines without reasoning traces. On two interactive decision making benchmarks (ALFWorld and WebShop), ReAct outperforms imitation and reinforcement learning methods by an absolute success rate of 34% and 10% respectively, while being prompted with only one or two in-context examples. Project site with code: this https URL
  • Comments: v3 is the ICLR camera ready version with some typos fixed. Project site with code: this https URL

Towards Reasoning in Large Language Models: A Survey

  • Jie Huang, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang
  • Reasoning is a fundamental aspect of human intelligence that plays a crucial role in activities such as problem solving, decision making, and critical thinking. In recent years, large language models (LLMs) have made significant progress in natural language processing, and there is observation that these models may exhibit reasoning abilities when they are sufficiently large. However, it is not yet clear to what extent LLMs are capable of reasoning. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of knowledge on reasoning in LLMs, including techniques for improving and eliciting reasoning in these models, methods and benchmarks for evaluating reasoning abilities, findings and implications of previous research in this field, and suggestions on future directions. Our aim is to provide a detailed and up-to-date review of this topic and stimulate meaningful discussion and future work. Comments: ACL 2023 Findings, 15 pages

Large Language Models Can Self-Improve

  • Jiaxin Huang, Shixiang Shane Gu, Le Hou, Yuexin Wu, Xuezhi Wang, Hongkun Yu, Jiawei Han / Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved excellent performances in various tasks. However, fine-tuning an LLM requires extensive supervision. Human, on the other hand, may improve their reasoning abilities by self-thinking without external inputs. In this work, we demonstrate that an LLM is also capable of self-improving with only unlabeled datasets. We use a pre-trained LLM to generate “high-confidence” rationale-augmented answers for unlabeled questions using Chain-of-Thought prompting and self-consistency, and fine-tune the LLM using those self-generated solutions as target outputs. We show that our approach improves the general reasoning ability of a 540B-parameter LLM (74.4%->82.1% on GSM8K, 78.2%->83.0% on DROP, 90.0%->94.4% on OpenBookQA, and 63.4%->67.9% on ANLI-A3) and achieves state-of-the-art-level performance, without any ground truth label. We conduct ablation studies and show that fine-tuning on reasoning is critical for self-improvement.

Orca 2: Teaching Small Language Models How to Reason /

  • Orca 1 learns from rich signals, such as explanation traces, allowing it to outperform conventional instruction-tuned models on benchmarks like BigBench Hard and AGIEval. In Orca 2, we continue exploring how improved training signals can enhance smaller LMs’ reasoning abilities. Research on training small LMs has often relied on imitation learning to replicate the output of more capable models. We contend that excessive emphasis on imitation may restrict the potential of smaller models. We seek to teach small LMs to employ different solution strategies for different tasks, potentially different from the one used by the larger model. For example, while larger models might provide a direct answer to a complex task, smaller models may not have the same capacity. In Orca 2, we teach the model various reasoning techniques (step-by-step, recall then generate, recall-reason-generate, direct answer, etc.). More crucially, we aim to help the model learn to determine the most effective solution strategy for each task. We evaluate Orca 2 using a comprehensive set of 15 diverse benchmarks (corresponding to approximately 100 tasks and over 36,000 unique prompts). Orca 2 significantly surpasses models of similar size and attains performance levels similar or better to those of models 5-10x larger, as assessed on complex tasks that test advanced reasoning abilities in zero-shot settings. make Orca 2 weights publicly available at this http URL to support research on the development, evaluation, and alignment of smaller LMs

[5]: Prompt Engineering


In this session, our readings cover:

Required Readings:

Unleashing the potential of prompt engineering in Large Language Models: a comprehensive review

  • Banghao Chen, Zhaofeng Zhang, Nicolas Langrené, Shengxin Zhu / This paper delves into the pivotal role of prompt engineering in unleashing the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs). Prompt engineering is the process of structuring input text for LLMs and is a technique integral to optimizing the efficacy of LLMs. This survey elucidates foundational principles of prompt engineering, such as role-prompting, one-shot, and few-shot prompting, as well as more advanced methodologies such as the chain-of-thought and tree-of-thoughts prompting. The paper sheds light on how external assistance in the form of plugins can assist in this task, and reduce machine hallucination by retrieving external knowledge. We subsequently delineate prospective directions in prompt engineering research, emphasizing the need for a deeper understanding of structures and the role of agents in Artificial Intelligence-Generated Content (AIGC) tools. We discuss how to assess the efficacy of prompt methods from different perspectives and using different methods. Finally, we gather information about the application of prompt engineering in such fields as education and programming, showing its transformative potential. This comprehensive survey aims to serve as a friendly guide for anyone venturing through the big world of LLMs and prompt engineering.

More Readings:

Skeleton-of-Thought: Large Language Models Can Do Parallel Decoding

  • This work aims at decreasing the end-to-end generation latency of large language models (LLMs). One of the major causes of the high generation latency is the sequential decoding approach adopted by almost all state-of-the-art LLMs. In this work, motivated by the thinking and writing process of humans, we propose Skeleton-of-Thought (SoT), which first guides LLMs to generate the skeleton of the answer, and then conducts parallel API calls or batched decoding to complete the contents of each skeleton point in parallel. Not only does SoT provide considerable speed-ups across 12 LLMs, but it can also potentially improve the answer quality on several question categories. SoT is an initial attempt at data-centric optimization for inference efficiency, and further underscores the potential of pushing LLMs to think more like a human for answer quality.

Topologies of Reasoning: Demystifying Chains, Trees, and Graphs of Thoughts

  • The field of natural language processing (NLP) has witnessed significant progress in recent years, with a notable focus on improving large language models’ (LLM) performance through innovative prompting techniques. Among these, prompt engineering coupled with structures has emerged as a promising paradigm, with designs such as Chain-of-Thought, Tree of Thoughts, or Graph of Thoughts, in which the overall LLM reasoning is guided by a structure such as a graph. As illustrated with numerous examples, this paradigm significantly enhances the LLM’s capability to solve numerous tasks, ranging from logical or mathematical reasoning to planning or creative writing. To facilitate the understanding of this growing field and pave the way for future developments, we devise a general blueprint for effective and efficient LLM reasoning schemes. For this, we conduct an in-depth analysis of the prompt execution pipeline, clarifying and clearly defining different concepts. We then build the first taxonomy of structure-enhanced LLM reasoning schemes. We focus on identifying fundamental classes of harnessed structures, and we analyze the representations of these structures, algorithms executed with these structures, and many others. We refer to these structures as reasoning topologies, because their representation becomes to a degree spatial, as they are contained within the LLM context. Our study compares existing prompting schemes using the proposed taxonomy, discussing how certain design choices lead to different patterns in performance and cost. We also outline theoretical underpinnings, relationships between prompting and others parts of the LLM ecosystem such as knowledge bases, and the associated research challenges. Our work will help to advance future prompt engineering techniques.

[6]: Model editing and Disgorgement


In this session, our readings cover:

Required Readings:

Editing Large Language Models: Problems, Methods, and Opportunities

  • Yunzhi Yao, Peng Wang, Bozhong Tian, Siyuan Cheng, Zhoubo Li, Shumin Deng, Huajun Chen, Ningyu Zhang Despite the ability to train capable LLMs, the methodology for maintaining their relevancy and rectifying errors remains elusive. To this end, the past few years have witnessed a surge in techniques for editing LLMs, the objective of which is to efficiently alter the behavior of LLMs within a specific domain without negatively impacting performance across other inputs. This paper embarks on a deep exploration of the problems, methods, and opportunities related to model editing for LLMs. In particular, we provide an exhaustive overview of the task definition and challenges associated with model editing, along with an in-depth empirical analysis of the most progressive methods currently at our disposal. We also build a new benchmark dataset to facilitate a more robust evaluation and pinpoint enduring issues intrinsic to existing techniques. Our objective is to provide valuable insights into the effectiveness and feasibility of each editing technique, thereby assisting the community in making informed decisions on the selection of the most appropriate method for a specific task or context. Code and datasets are available at this https URL. Comments: EMNLP 2023. Updated with new experiments

More Readings:

Tuning Language Models by Proxy

  • Alisa Liu, Xiaochuang Han, Yizhong Wang, Yulia Tsvetkov, Yejin Choi, Noah A. Smith
  • Submitted on 16 Jan 2024]
  • Despite the general capabilities of large pretrained language models, they consistently benefit from further adaptation to better achieve desired behaviors. However, tuning these models has become increasingly resource-intensive, or impossible when model weights are private. We introduce proxy-tuning, a lightweight decoding-time algorithm that operates on top of black-box LMs to achieve the result of directly tuning the model, but by accessing only its prediction over the output vocabulary. Our method instead tunes a smaller LM, then applies the difference between the predictions of the small tuned and untuned LMs to shift the original predictions of the base model in the direction of tuning, while retaining the benefits of larger scale pretraining. In experiments, when we apply proxy-tuning to Llama2-70B using proxies of only 7B size, we can close 88% of the gap between Llama2-70B and its truly-tuned chat version, when evaluated across knowledge, reasoning, and safety benchmarks. Interestingly, when tested on TruthfulQA, proxy-tuned models are actually more truthful than directly tuned models, possibly because decoding-time guidance better retains the model’s factual knowledge. We then demonstrate the generality of proxy-tuning by applying it for domain adaptation on code, and task-specific finetuning on question-answering and math problems. Our work demonstrates the promise of using small tuned LMs to efficiently customize large, potentially proprietary LMs through decoding-time guidance.

A Survey of Machine Unlearning

  • Today, computer systems hold large amounts of personal data. Yet while such an abundance of data allows breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, and especially machine learning (ML), its existence can be a threat to user privacy, and it can weaken the bonds of trust between humans and AI. Recent regulations now require that, on request, private information about a user must be removed from both computer systems and from ML models, i.e. ``the right to be forgotten’’). While removing data from back-end databases should be straightforward, it is not sufficient in the AI context as ML models often `remember’ the old data. Contemporary adversarial attacks on trained models have proven that we can learn whether an instance or an attribute belonged to the training data. This phenomenon calls for a new paradigm, namely machine unlearning, to make ML models forget about particular data. It turns out that recent works on machine unlearning have not been able to completely solve the problem due to the lack of common frameworks and resources. Therefore, this paper aspires to present a comprehensive examination of machine unlearning’s concepts, scenarios, methods, and applications. Specifically, as a category collection of cutting-edge studies, the intention behind this article is to serve as a comprehensive resource for researchers and practitioners seeking an introduction to machine unlearning and its formulations, design criteria, removal requests, algorithms, and applications. In addition, we aim to highlight the key findings, current trends, and new research areas that have not yet featured the use of machine unlearning but could benefit greatly from it. We hope this survey serves as a valuable resource for ML researchers and those seeking to innovate privacy technologies. Our resources are publicly available at this https URL.

AI Model Disgorgement: Methods and Choices

  • Alessandro Achille, Michael Kearns, Carson Klingenberg, Stefano Soatto Responsible use of data is an indispensable part of any machine learning (ML) implementation. ML developers must carefully collect and curate their datasets, and document their provenance. They must also make sure to respect intellectual property rights, preserve individual privacy, and use data in an ethical way. Over the past few years, ML models have significantly increased in size and complexity. These models require a very large amount of data and compute capacity to train, to the extent that any defects in the training corpus cannot be trivially remedied by retraining the model from scratch. Despite sophisticated controls on training data and a significant amount of effort dedicated to ensuring that training corpora are properly composed, the sheer volume of data required for the models makes it challenging to manually inspect each datum comprising a training corpus. One potential fix for training corpus data defects is model disgorgement – the elimination of not just the improperly used data, but also the effects of improperly used data on any component of an ML model. Model disgorgement techniques can be used to address a wide range of issues, such as reducing bias or toxicity, increasing fidelity, and ensuring responsible usage of intellectual property. In this paper, we introduce a taxonomy of possible disgorgement methods that are applicable to modern ML systems. In particular, we investigate the meaning of “removing the effects” of data in the trained model in a way that does not require retraining from scratch.

[7]: Domain Centered FMs


In this session, our readings cover:

Required Readings:

Large Language Models for Software Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review

  • Large Language Models (LLMs) have significantly impacted numerous domains, including Software Engineering (SE). Many recent publications have explored LLMs applied to various SE tasks. Nevertheless, a comprehensive understanding of the application, effects, and possible limitations of LLMs on SE is still in its early stages. To bridge this gap, we conducted a systematic literature review on LLM4SE, with a particular focus on understanding how LLMs can be exploited to optimize processes and outcomes. We collect and analyze 229 research papers from 2017 to 2023 to answer four key research questions (RQs). In RQ1, we categorize different LLMs that have been employed in SE tasks, characterizing their distinctive features and uses. In RQ2, we analyze the methods used in data collection, preprocessing, and application highlighting the role of well-curated datasets for successful LLM for SE implementation. RQ3 investigates the strategies employed to optimize and evaluate the performance of LLMs in SE. Finally, RQ4 examines the specific SE tasks where LLMs have shown success to date, illustrating their practical contributions to the field. From the answers to these RQs, we discuss the current state-of-the-art and trends, identifying gaps in existing research, and flagging promising areas for future study.

More Readings:

Large language models generate functional protein sequences across diverse families

  • Deep-learning language models have shown promise in various biotechnological applications, including protein design and engineering. Here we describe ProGen, a language model that can generate protein sequences with a predictable function across large protein families, akin to generating grammatically and semantically correct natural language sentences on diverse topics. The model was trained on 280 million protein sequences from >19,000 families and is augmented with control tags specifying protein properties. ProGen can be further fine-tuned to curated sequences and tags to improve controllable generation performance of proteins from families with sufficient homologous samples. Artificial proteins fine-tuned to five distinct lysozyme families showed similar catalytic efficiencies as natural lysozymes, with sequence identity to natural proteins as low as 31.4%. ProGen is readily adapted to diverse protein families, as we demonstrate with chorismate mutase and malate dehydrogenase.

Large Language Models in Law: A Survey

  • The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has significantly impacted the traditional judicial industry. Moreover, recently, with the development of AI-generated content (AIGC), AI and law have found applications in various domains, including image recognition, automatic text generation, and interactive chat. With the rapid emergence and growing popularity of large models, it is evident that AI will drive transformation in the traditional judicial industry. However, the application of legal large language models (LLMs) is still in its nascent stage. Several challenges need to be addressed. In this paper, we aim to provide a comprehensive survey of legal LLMs. We not only conduct an extensive survey of LLMs, but also expose their applications in the judicial system. We first provide an overview of AI technologies in the legal field and showcase the recent research in LLMs. Then, we discuss the practical implementation presented by legal LLMs, such as providing legal advice to users and assisting judges during trials. In addition, we explore the limitations of legal LLMs, including data, algorithms, and judicial practice. Finally, we summarize practical recommendations and propose future development directions to address these challenges.

ChemLLM: A Chemical Large Language Model

  • Large language models (LLMs) have made impressive progress in chemistry applications, including molecular property prediction, molecular generation, experimental protocol design, etc. However, the community lacks a dialogue-based model specifically designed for chemistry. The challenge arises from the fact that most chemical data and scientific knowledge are primarily stored in structured databases, and the direct use of these structured data compromises the model’s ability to maintain coherent dialogue. To tackle this issue, we develop a novel template-based instruction construction method that transforms structured knowledge into plain dialogue, making it suitable for language model traini…

FunSearch: Making new discoveries in mathematical sciences using Large Language Models


Transforming the future of music creation


Segment Anything

  • We introduce the Segment Anything (SA) project: a new task, model, and dataset for image segmentation. Using our efficient model in a data collection loop, we built the largest segmentation dataset to date (by far), with over 1 billion masks on 11M licensed and privacy respecting images. The model is designed and trained to be promptable, so it can transfer zero-shot to new image distributions and tasks. We evaluate its capabilities on numerous tasks and find that its zero-shot performance is impressive – often competitive with or even superior to prior fully supervised results. We are releasing the Segment Anything Model (SAM) and corresponding dataset (SA-1B) of 1B masks and 11M images at this https URL to foster research into foundation models for computer vision.

EMO: Emote Portrait Alive - Generating Expressive Portrait Videos with Audio2Video Diffusion Model under Weak Conditions

  • In this work, we tackle the challenge of enhancing the realism and expressiveness in talking head video generation by focusing on the dynamic and nuanced relationship between audio cues and facial movements. We identify the limitations of traditional techniques that often fail to capture the full spectrum of human expressions and the uniqueness of individual facial styles. To address these issues, we propose EMO, a novel framework that utilizes a direct audio-to-video synthesis approach, bypassing the need for intermediate 3D models or facial landmarks. Our method ensures seamless frame transitions and consistent identity preservation throughout the video, resulting in highly expressive and lifelike animations. Experimental results demonsrate that EMO is able to produce not only convincing speaking videos but also singing videos in various styles, significantly outperforming existing state-of-the-art methodologies in terms of expressiveness and realism.

Sora: A Review on Background, Technology, Limitations, and Opportunities of Large Vision Models

  • Yixin Liu, Kai Zhang, Yuan Li, Zhiling Yan, Chujie Gao, Ruoxi Chen, Zhengqing Yuan, Yue Huang, Hanchi Sun, Jianfeng Gao, Lifang He, Lichao Sun
  • Sora is a text-to-video generative AI model, released by OpenAI in February 2024. The model is trained to generate videos of realistic or imaginative scenes from text instructions and show potential in simulating the physical world. Based on public technical reports and reverse engineering, this paper presents a comprehensive review of the model’s background, related technologies, applications, remaining challenges, and future directions of text-to-video AI models. We first trace Sora’s development and investigate the underlying technologies used to build this “world simulator”. Then, we describe in detail the applications and potential impact of Sora in multiple industries ranging from film-making and education to marketing. We discuss the main challenges and limitations that need to be addressed to widely deploy Sora, such as ensuring safe and unbiased video generation. Lastly, we discuss the future development of Sora and video generation models in general, and how advancements in the field could enable new ways of human-AI interaction, boosting productivity and creativity of video generation.

BloombergGPT: A Large Language Model for Finance

  • The use of NLP in the realm of financial technology is broad and complex, with applications ranging from sentiment analysis and named entity recognition to question answering. Large Language Models (LLMs) have been shown to be effective on a variety of tasks; however, no LLM specialized for the financial domain has been reported in literature. In this work, we present BloombergGPT, a 50 billion parameter language model that is trained on a wide range of financial data. We construct a 363 billion token dataset based on Bloomberg’s extensive data sources, perhaps the largest domain-specific dataset yet, augmented with 345 billion tokens from general purpose datasets. We validate BloombergGPT on standard LLM benchmarks, open financial benchmarks, and a suite of internal benchmarks that most accurately reflect our intended usage. Our mixed dataset training leads to a model that outperforms existing models on financial tasks by significant margins without sacrificing performance on general LLM benchmarks. Additionally, we explain our modeling choices, training process, and evaluation methodology. We release Training Chronicles (Appendix C) detailing our experience in training BloombergGPT.

Emu Video: Factorizing Text-to-Video Generation by Explicit Image Conditioning

  • We present Emu Video, a text-to-video generation model that factorizes the generation into two steps: first generating an image conditioned on the text, and then generating a video conditioned on the text and the generated image. We identify critical design decisions–adjusted noise schedules for diffusion, and multi-stage training–that enable us to directly generate high quality and high resolution videos, without requiring a deep cascade of models as in prior work. In human evaluations, our generated videos are strongly preferred in quality compared to all prior work–81% vs. Google’s Imagen Video, 90% vs. Nvidia’s PYOCO, and 96% vs. Meta’s Make-A-Video. Our model outperforms commercial solutions such as RunwayML’s Gen2 and Pika Labs. Finally, our factorizing approach naturally lends itself to animating images based on a user’s text prompt, where our generations are preferred 96% over prior work.

[8]: Knowledge Augmented FMs


In this session, our readings cover:

Required Readings:

Retrieval-Augmented Generation for AI-Generated Content: A Survey

  • The development of Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC) has been facilitated by advancements in model algorithms, scalable foundation model architectures, and the availability of ample high-quality datasets. While AIGC has achieved remarkable performance, it still faces challenges, such as the difficulty of maintaining up-to-date and long-tail knowledge, the risk of data leakage, and the high costs associated with training and inference. Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) has recently emerged as a paradigm to address such challenges. In particular, RAG introduces the information retrieval process, which enhances AIGC results by retrieving relevant objects from available data stores, leading to greater accuracy and robustness. In this paper, we comprehensively review existing efforts that integrate RAG technique into AIGC scenarios. We first classify RAG foundations according to how the retriever augments the generator. We distill the fundamental abstractions of the augmentation methodologies for various retrievers and generators. This unified perspective encompasses all RAG scenarios, illuminating advancements and pivotal technologies that help with potential future progress. We also summarize additional enhancements methods for RAG, facilitating effective engineering and implementation of RAG systems. Then from another view, we survey on practical applications of RAG across different modalities and tasks, offering valuable references for researchers and practitioners. Furthermore, we introduce the benchmarks for RAG, discuss the limitations of current RAG systems, and suggest potential directions for future research. Project: this https URL

Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Large Language Models: A Survey

  • Large language models (LLMs) demonstrate powerful capabilities, but they still face challenges in practical applications, such as hallucinations, slow knowledge updates, and lack of transparency in answers. Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) refers to the retrieval of relevant information from external knowledge bases before answering questions with LLMs. RAG has been demonstrated to significantly enhance answer accuracy, reduce model hallucination, particularly for knowledge-intensive tasks. By citing sources, users can verify the accuracy of answers and increase trust in model outputs. It also facilitates knowledge updates and the introduction of domain-specific knowledge. RAG effectively combines the parameterized knowledge of LLMs with non-parameterized external knowledge bases, making it one of the most important methods for implementing large language models. This paper outlines the development paradigms of RAG in the era of LLMs, summarizing three paradigms: Naive RAG, Advanced RAG, and Modular RAG. It then provides a summary and organization of the three main components of RAG: retriever, generator, and augmentation methods, along with key technologies in each component. Furthermore, it discusses how to evaluate the effectiveness of RAG models, introducing two evaluation methods for RAG, emphasizing key metrics and abilities for evaluation, and presenting the latest automatic evaluation framework. Finally, potential future research directions are introduced from three aspects: vertical optimization, horizontal scalability, and the technical stack and ecosystem of RAG.

More Readings:

Sora: A Review on Background, Technology, Limitations, and Opportunities of Large Vision Models

  • Yixin Liu, Kai Zhang, Yuan Li, Zhiling Yan, Chujie Gao, Ruoxi Chen, Zhengqing Yuan, Yue Huang, Hanchi Sun, Jianfeng Gao, Lifang He, Lichao Sun
  • Sora is a text-to-video generative AI model, released by OpenAI in February 2024. The model is trained to generate videos of realistic or imaginative scenes from text instructions and show potential in simulating the physical world. Based on public technical reports and reverse engineering, this paper presents a comprehensive review of the model’s background, related technologies, applications, remaining challenges, and future directions of text-to-video AI models. We first trace Sora’s development and investigate the underlying technologies used to build this “world simulator”. Then, we describe in detail the applications and potential impact of Sora in multiple industries ranging from film-making and education to marketing. We discuss the main challenges and limitations that need to be addressed to widely deploy Sora, such as ensuring safe and unbiased video generation. Lastly, we discuss the future development of Sora and video generation models in general, and how advancements in the field could enable new ways of human-AI interaction, boosting productivity and creativity of video generation.

A Comprehensive Study of Knowledge Editing for Large Language Models

  • Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown extraordinary capabilities in understanding and generating text that closely mirrors human communication. However, a primary limitation lies in the significant computational demands during training, arising from their extensive parameterization. This challenge is further intensified by the dynamic nature of the world, necessitating frequent updates to LLMs to correct outdated information or integrate new knowledge, thereby ensuring their continued relevance. Note that many applications demand continual model adjustments post-training to address deficiencies or undesirable behaviors. There is an increasing interest in efficient, lightweight methods for on-the-fly model modifications. To this end, recent years have seen a burgeoning in the techniques of knowledge editing for LLMs, which aim to efficiently modify LLMs’ behaviors within specific domains while preserving overall performance across various inputs. In this paper, we first define the knowledge editing problem and then provide a comprehensive review of cutting-edge approaches. Drawing inspiration from educational and cognitive research theories, we propose a unified categorization criterion that classifies knowledge editing methods into three groups: resorting to external knowledge, merging knowledge into the model, and editing intrinsic knowledge. Furthermore, we introduce a new benchmark, KnowEdit, for a comprehensive empirical evaluation of representative knowledge editing approaches. Additionally, we provide an in-depth analysis of knowledge location, which can give a deeper understanding of the knowledge structures inherent within LLMs. Finally, we discuss several potential applications of knowledge editing, outlining its broad and impactful implications.

Even More

A Survey of Table Reasoning with Large Language Models

  • Xuanliang Zhang, Dingzirui Wang, Longxu Dou, Qingfu Zhu, Wanxiang Che
  • Table reasoning, which aims to generate the corresponding answer to the question following the user requirement according to the provided table, and optionally a text description of the table, effectively improving the efficiency of obtaining information. Recently, using Large Language Models (LLMs) has become the mainstream method for table reasoning, because it not only significantly reduces the annotation cost but also exceeds the performance of previous methods. However, existing research still lacks a summary of LLM-based table reasoning works. Due to the existing lack of research, questions about which techniques can improve table reasoning performance in the era of LLMs, why LLMs excel at table reasoning, and how to enhance table reasoning abilities in the future, remain largely unexplored. This gap significantly limits progress in research. To answer the above questions and advance table reasoning research with LLMs, we present this survey to analyze existing research, inspiring future work. In this paper, we analyze the mainstream techniques used to improve table reasoning performance in the LLM era, and the advantages of LLMs compared to pre-LLMs for solving table reasoning. We provide research directions from both the improvement of existing methods and the expansion of practical applications to inspire future research.

Here is a name list of posts!